1. What happens if we miss the May 2, 2022 deadline to turn in our money?
The deadline is firm. We want to be fair to everyone who turns their money in on time for the various contests. Also, our committee needs to immediately start preparation for all the awards and prizes, such as ordering shirts and water bottles. Please turn in your donations online at https://app.99pledges.com/fund/SanGabriel2022. We can continue to accept donations after the deadline, but we we cannot change the results of the contests. If your student qualifies for entry into the Prize Room, they will be allowed to enter the Prize Room. However, their entry time will be after everyone who turned in their money on time.
2. If the order of entry into the Prize Room is determined by the total amount collected, what happens when there is a tie?
The student who collects the most Read-A-Thon donations gets to enter the Prize Room first, then the student with the next highest total, and so forth. In the event of a tie, we randomly select the order among everyone in the tie. After all the students who raise at least $125 go to the Prize Room, then we will have the Logo Contest winner go to the Prize Room. In the event of a tie in the other contests, we would look at awarding prizes to both/all the winners.
3. What is the Fifth Grade Read-A-Thon Challenge?
The Fifth Grade classes' involvement in the Read-A-Thon is important to fund the remaining activities for the current school year, including the Battle of the Books. Since the Read-A-Thon also determines our next year's budget, we are asking the fifth graders to pay-it-forward and help our incoming kindergarten classes. Lastly, there are great individual and classroom incentives for them. Not to mention, the tax deduction for their sponsors for their Read-A-Thon donations. It's a win-win for everyone.
4. What is a tax deduction?
Charitable contributions to a 501c3 nonprofit like San Gabriel PTA can be deducted on your annual itemized tax return. Charitable contributions can reduce your taxable income and lower the taxes you pay. The eligible tax deduction is the amount of the donation minus any services or goods received. Since there are no goods or services received by the donor in the Read-A-Thon, the entire amount of a Read-A-Thon donation is tax deductible. Tax donation receipts are available here or in the office at San Gabriel Elementary. We are not certified public accountants or tax experts, so please consult with a professional for specific advice.
5. Where can I get a donation receipt for my tax deduction?
You can download one right from this link here.
6. What if my child wins a trip to the Prize Room from the Logo Contest but also earns a trip to the Prize Room for raising $125 or more in donations?
We are awarding entry into the Prize Room for our Read-A-Thon Logo Design. If your child achieves the Gold Level Award which includes a trip to the Prize Room, then these other prizes will be added to that and your child would get two trips to the Prize Room. See response to question 3 for the order of Prize Room entry.
7. I have more than 1 child attending San Gabriel. Can they combine their donations to earn a trip to the Prize Room?
Yes, we will allow you to combine donations for children in one family. Combining your children's donations will get you an earlier entry time into the Prize Room (see Question 3), but your children will only get to select one prize. The alternative is that your children enter the Prize Room separately to each select a prize at a later entry time, if they each raise $125 or more.
8. How can I change the goal amount on my student's 99Pledges webpage?
The 99Pledges website required that we set a goal amount for each participant. We just selected $125 as a rough estimate, but understand that this may not work for everyone. The goal amount can be changed but must be done by the Read-A-Thon Chairperson. So if you wish to change your student’s goal amount on 99Pledges, please email presidentpresident@sangabrielpta.org with your student’s name and their new goal amount.
9. What if I have other questions about the Read-A-Thon?
We have done our best to anticipate the important information about the Read-A-Thon and frequently asked questions. However, if there is something that is not clear or explained, please contact us through this website or e-mail president@sangabrielpta.org and let us know.